
Ambition Meets Expertise!

Chedaro is a leading global provider of software development services, growth and marketing consulting, startup funding advisory, technology assurance and advisory services. We aim to be the best at all that we do - to help our clients realise their ambitions, to make a positive difference in society, and to maximise the success of our people and our communities. This drive fuels the commitment and humanity that run deep through our every action. That’s what makes us truly different at Chedaro.



360° IT Support & Consulting

We go beyond mere technology implementation; our commitment extends to refining your processes and actively supporting you in fostering widespread adoption. Our expertise spans the entire software development lifecycle—from meticulous planning and coding, to rigorous testing and seamless release.

Our Team of Experts

The Chedaro team is comprised of industry experts who are passionate about their work, have excelled in their field, and have an extensive industry background. This group of talented professionals has been responsible for the satisfaction, retention and growth that our clients enjoy.

What we do

Explore Our Services

We help companies of all sizes develop Web/Mobile Apps, SaaS, Blockchain and AI products that are 100% functional and easy to use. We provide full-cycle, end-to-end software development services. We help companies launch their projects, switch to digital-first strategies and adopt advanced & emerging technologies.

We are here to help companies build strong foundations for cybersecurity, compliance and operational excellence. We protect some of the world's leading organisations against the most damaging kinds of cyber attacks.

We leverage our experience and network to help startups navigate the murky waters of fundraising. We provide the necessary guidance, tools and access that your company needs to raise venture capital.


Partners Worldwide

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  • Chedaro
  • Chedaro
  • Chedaro
  • Chedaro
  • Chedaro
Chedaro Chedaro

7+ Years of Experience


Flexibility & Features to Fit Any Team’s Style.

At Chedaro, our aim is always to take the product to market as quickly as possible, and use iterative software development approach until we achieve all business goals and fulfil market & user needs.


Get in touch!

Would you like to collaborate with us? We would be glad to leverage our wealth of expertise and experience in ensuring you achieve success with your next project.

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    How Data Insights Can Fuel Smarter Business Growth Strategies.

    Today, we're discussing one of the most transformative aspects of modern business: data insights. Imagine that you're at